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The Value Streams ERD methodology provides a top down method for improving your business and provides a practical  "Business Development Lifecycle" and process:  


Observing your existing business behaviours, challenges and opportunities means we can orient our thinking to your environment, context and goals, to identify where your business is at and the circumstances that have brought you there. Mutual agreement on the challenges to be met and the improvements to be targeted keeps all parties on track and accountable.


Refining and evaluating your options using cost benefit analysis, detailed fit for purpose, critical success factors and long term, seven generation thinking. We recommend the most beneficial option and provide an action plan, solution roadmap and implementation strategy to best meet your business goals while setting what’s delivered, by whom, when and how.


Taking action to deliver benefit to your business. In partnership with you, we execute the action plan, solution roadmap and implementation strategy. By applying best business behaviour and practice, innovative thinking and pragmatic, yet thorough, delivery methods, we deliver long term benefit and sustainable results.